Welcome to my collection of works. I hope you enjoy.
Small houses near frozen body of water at sunset
Wide angle view of snow-covered houses with mountains in background
Dome-shaped building on snowy street with "Dead End" sign
Blue spiral slide behind chain link fence at empty park
Large natural rock with cliff and "Steve" sign
Grass patch in front of wooden fence under flood light and power lines
Cars driving on tree-lined street toward large bluff in background
Large lone tree standing on snowy ground
Cars driving near buildings with snowy bluff in background
Empty gas station with bright red lighting at night
White van, covered cars, and small blue tractor indoors against aluminum wall
Chairs and table under blue awning near blue garbage cans
Scattered parked cars in parking lot with shopping plaza in background
Sunny side of large building with rounded columns against blue sky
Sunny cream-colored aluminum wall with shadow of a tree
Empty train track running over short bridge above water